"I don't worry at all. I have a feeling I can do anything here. Anything can happen here. It is a little like being a child, with faith, again." - George Lukk, post-war immigrant

Monday 30 December 2013


So, because of Christmas, I decided it'd be best to move to my mum's already on the 21st. Unfortunately I caught some kind of a flu a few days before, which made packing a whole lot harder. I was a bit feverish but I just had to do as much as I could. One night, even though hugely exhausted already, I found the energy to start packing and sort and pack all my clothes. About half of them won't be going back to Porvoo..... I also packed my bags and shoes and some kitchen stuff and thought the worst part was over when I was looking at this pile:

Ohh how wrong I was... This is how it looked like when we had carried some of the stuff to the lobby while waiting for the other movers to get their van out of the way. AND this wasn't all either. No no no...

In the end we had to make two trips with the van. My brother had borrowed it from work and it had tool shelves on the other side that took quite a lot of space. So on the second trip we just had my bed, a shelf/desk, and my bike in the van. But still... I had waaaaay too much stuff that I don't really even need... Felt like a hoarder looking at all the bags and a fully loaded van. And I felt like I would die after carrying all that stuff (well okay my brother ended up carrying most of it because I was so slow due to having to take a break after each bag)...

Leaving my lovely apartment wasn't as sad as I'd imagined. Maybe because I was too ill to think about that... But taking our lovely artwork off the doors wasn't nice, both because they were so awesome and because it was even harder than putting them on...

At the moment I'm abooout going crazy with anxiety and anticipation. I think my subconscious is trying to push away the thought of leaving so it wouldn't be so hard, but that only means that every now and then I get these sudden shocks of realization that it's only a few days away. Usually it happens at night when I'm trying to fall asleep and I end up tossing and turning unable to fall asleep because I have so many thoughts running through my head from packing to spring break.
Edit: also, my forehead is full of spots and pimples cause by stress (I don't usually have any, except for this autumn...)

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